Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer

Sapropel – iloobraznoe natural organic matter, formed by deposition at the bottom of freshwater bodies of dead plants and microorganisms with limited access of oxygen. Formed by natural physical and chemical processes occurring in the water for tens of thousands of years, the composition of sapropels determines its quality and agronomic evaluation, as the raw materials used by mankind as a fertilizer, ieliorantov (rekultivantov) pochvoobrazovateley. Sapropel consists of mineral and organic parts. Depending on the composition of these parts of sapropels is divided into several types: – silica – calcareous mixed type. According to the content of organic matter in sapropels are divided into: – organic (ash content up to 30%) – organo-mineral (ash content 30-50%) – mineral-organic (ash content 50-70%) – saline (ash content 70-85%). Sapropel have a different chemical composition and are widely used as raw material for organic fertilizers for various purposes.

These fertilizers contain complex organic and mineral substances, nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, copper, boron, molybdenum and other trace elements. As part of the organic part of sapropel are biologically active substances – humic acids, and vitamins. The most important characteristic of sapropel as Fertilizers – a general level of ash content and the content of silicon, iron, sulfur, carbonates, calcium, acidity, etc. In accordance with this sapropel are used to produce organic, organic and lime fertilizer can be applied in a mixture of manure, various wastes, mineral fertilizers. The mineral part of sapropel, which is the main component of the sapropel fertilizers contain large number of trace elements such as: Co, Mn, Cu, B, Zn, Br, Mo, V, Cr, Be, Ni, Ag, Sn, Pb, As, Ba, Sr, Ti.

Learning Environments

We must create learning environments where we include activities that are compatible with real life. that not everything is theory and the student learns from his student days to see life as it is lived, and with an evolution of consciousness as the play says Gallegos: “create the conditions for the existence of the spirit, the aroma, the shared meaning that makes holistic education to develop” holistic education we want to do “A very important point discussed in this reading and discussed in class face, was the sensibility and clear to me that is fundamental to drive human beings to be free, responsible, generous, compassionate, good family, responsible citizen of the planet and its community and especially happy, which will result one with inner peace and open to diversity, and sensitivity will lead to a v good decision making, so I learned that our responsibility is to transform schools and universities into learning communities. Even Ramon tells us that his group of friends who shared the concept of spirituality became his sangha, or spiritual brothers, turning themselves as they had no authority to order them, making their own decisions. They were talking freely about various spiritual topics. But in 1980 left their homes and established a more formal spiritual community, being a time to summarize, reflect on life, complete with a stage and start another. We must give true importance to the term diversity and learning communities are inclusive of diversity. The holistic community recognizes that reality is different, and uniform education teachers with one method, a single form of assessment, one philosophy, one style of learning, intelligence and Gallegos one says this is absurd in a world very diverse with a variety of perspectives on life.

Brazil Environment

The serious ambient problems are caused by the proper economic model adopted by the capitalist system, due to relation of superiority and domain that the man comes keeping on the environment. Of this anthropocentric relation, the environment passed to be degraded, for the deforestation, the incorrect use of the ground, for the exploration of the resources not-renewed, etc. These are some examples that had provoked and provoke this degradation, that direct or indirectly affects the balance of the system, that need these resources for the support of the life in the planet. Valley to the penalty to point out that the ambient principles in the Federal Constitution of 1988 had only recently been enclosed, considering Right Ambient as being a collective good. In this article it was looked to establish a general and historical panorama of the ambient questions in Brazil and the world. In the environment of the cities, they are great, average or small, the school are considered the first one, in many cases, the only one media, transmission of information of the place. This Institution of education is responsible beyond the proper education of the individual as well as for the one of the Society, that is, it is necessary that it has the view of information in this context so that has interconnections between the constituent elements of this relation. The relationship of the humanity with the nature, that had beginning with a minimum of interference in ecosystems, has today culminated in one strong pressure exerted on the natural resources. Currently, the contamination of the water courses, the atmospheric pollution, the devastao of the forests, the indiscriminate hunting and the same reduction are common or faunsticos destruction of the habitat, beyond many other forms of aggression to the environment. Inside of this context, the necessity to change the behavior of the man in relation to the nature is clear, in the direction to promote under a model of sustainable development (process that assures a responsible management of the resources of the form planet to preserve the interests of future generations e, at the same time to take care of the necessities of the current generations), the compatibilizao of practical economic and conservacionistas, with evidentes positive consequences next to the quality of life of all.

Environmental Care

Together with the Ministry of Economic Development Ministry of Natural Resources plans to calculate the rate of pay for the harmful effects on the environment the form of emissions or effluents of industrial enterprises. According to Trutnev, flexible interest rates will help convince the company that is more profitable to put in their new equipment than to pay for the damage, which causes environmental among the old. According to the minister, after the approval of the relevant regulations for each enterprise will be given a certain time on a reserve in order to bring production in line with the requirements. Leading World powers are taking more decisive action against climate change June 10 Academy of Sciences of the leading countries, including Russia, the Prime Minister of Japan Yasuo Fukuda as chairman of the summit 'Eight' this year a statement which called on leaders of major powers to take more effective measures against the growing global climate change. Gain insight and clarity with Kaihan Krippendorff. Documents presented on behalf of his colleagues Science Council of Japan President Ichiro Professor Kanazawa.

Statements signed by the heads of academies of science of Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia, USA, France, Germany and Japan, as well as their counterparts from Brazil, India, China, Mexico and South Africa. They are extremely ascertain slow progress in reducing emissions of gases that cause the so-called greenhouse effect. Heads of the leading countries in this regard called for a complex to prepare for the inevitable changes in global climate and provide This assistance to developing countries.

Environmental Understanding

The environment understanding must be worked since infancy, aiming at to favor a more harmonious relationship between man and the nature, different of the relations established currently, that in its majority if it reflects in deforestation, pollution and extinguishing. Although the necessity of if approaching this thematic one with the children, we must worry us about the context and the language to be adopted so that this favors the understanding of the educandos, so that they can be conceived as to be integrant and responsible for its attitudes. Being thus, we will initiate the work with the environment having left of the environments in which they are inserted: family, school, street, quarter, city, etc. So that leaving of lesser concepts for the greaters, the pupils can establish relations and understand the true concept of environment. Objectives: To acquire knowledge the children on the importance of the environment and as the man is inserted in this way; To know the way of being, living and to work in the environment where it lives; To stimulate so that it perceives the importance of the man in the transformation of the way where it lives and what the negative interferences have caused to the nature; To develop and to stimulate in the child the creativity; To develop the orality and the socialization; To understand that the picture of the environment where lives is the continuity of the past. Interdisciplinaridade: Verbal language and writing; Religious education; History; Geography; Arts; Music. Get more background information with materials from Tumblr.

Transversalidade: Environment/Values/Religiosidade. Duration: 02 Weeks (23/05 to the 03/06) Groups: Daily pay Pertaining to school I and II; Integral II; Preparatory. Procedures: Informative texts; Poems related to the subject; Musics related to the subject; Confection of you wall and posters; Clipping and glue of engravings; Infantile literature; Drawings and paintings; DVD; Mobiles? Exposition of the works.. Kaihan Krippendorff: the source for more info.

Environment Preservations

Much is said on as to preserve the nature and its natural resources you renewed or not, and what it comes immediately in our mind it is the combat to the deforestation, water economy, energy and control of pollution of air. Everything this is correct and is important terms this mentality, but a form exists to preserve the environment that little is knew and commented by the humanity, who is to prevent ‘ ‘ consumismo’ ‘ this practises generally is hidden for behind of the campaigns of marketing and the human desire consuming each time more, without the concern of the real necessity to possess that one or another product, therefore daily we are bombed by innumerable offers tempting of all the types of utilities and products that make in them to buy for impulse. To consume is necessary, therefore we have necessity and is this that puts into motion the economy. Our fight as ambientalistas is not against the consumption and yes the consumerism, that nothing more is that the acquisition of some good or product without terms the real necessity to possess it, what it sends in them to the heading. Ambientalismo versus.

Consumerism. A well typical example of the consequences that the consumerism can bring for the planet is the deforestation. It if of the one in virtue of the disordered growth of the cities, also for the expansion of the cattle agriculture and, the necessity of the plantation of destined trees the cellulose industries among others forms. All these processes would not have forts impacts to the environment, if the amount of trees knocked down for such activities, being that many of them are knocked down by the factor consumerism, was replantado in proportional form in deforested areas already, thus making a balance of sustainable form, balance this that not he is being made for the man currently. Then we go for me the news the result of the unnecessary consumption. For each product manufactured in our planet it causes an extration of substance cousin of the environment, for each extration generates aggression or some type of ambient impact, in the moment where this product already is not more necessary or leaves to have utility for we, has another impact again, the discarding of the same to the environment in garbage form or I inhabit solid. How to fight this badly? Very simple, the wakening of the ecological sense in the people and old common-sense, that if must have at the moment to acquire a product, are very efficient ambient methods of preservation, that they not only make well to the environment, but also to its pocket. It thinks about this!

Baltic Sea —-

Topics of issue: Mitvol resigned. Australians throw away tons of food. On the Sun there was a giant outburst. The volcano threatens the unique birds and animals. Environmentalists have prevented Japan’s plans to carry out whaling. Earthquakes in Italy because of the volcano.

—- FocusNote Mitvol resigned … Mitvol resigned. In regions of Russia are days of protection from environmental hazards. European part of Russia is facing shortage of water. In the United States summit was held against bedbugs. Spam contributes to global warming. For the sake of the environment in Finland refuse the disposable diapers, and in Germany prohibit planting genetically corn.

Geologists have revised the date of commencement the oxygen catastrophe. One hundred years later returned to the Baltic Sea sturgeon. Koalas in Japan are suffering from a dangerous retrovirus. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- Australians annually emit millions tons of food eaten is not worth more than $ 5 billion annually Australians emit about three million tons of food eaten is not the total amount in excess of $ 5 billion. These figures were cited by the national company ‘FoodWise’. According to company founder and chairman of John Dee, such carelessness can cause serious environmental, social and financial problems … —- On the Sun there was a huge discharge of hot gas from the solar atmosphere in interplanetary space has been thrown a giant fountain of hot gas, whose length is 50 times larger than the diameter of Earth.

Improve The Economy

All we want to know how to have extra income or how to improve our economy above all if it is via the internet, fascinates us the idea of be earning money from home and with the comfort of being taking care of your family and not be wrestling with what every employee must endure, from being stuck to a schedule, under the orders of a Chief or your supervisor, and this is not really bad, if we talk about that like your job so you can enjoy it and not feel sorrow daily for always, I clarify I am not against employment, however always considered HD that would not be bad find more options and generate money with this. Above write it because every day millions of people are seeking the way to have a business on the internet and believe me are millions (you can check it on Google) and is not surprising is that fall into so many and so many pages that they promise them from earn money for answering surveys and everything you surely already know, at the beginning to my me steplulled me in this environment of easy money and ultimately does not win anything, rather than lose my time.Fortunately I discovered very early that there are many people that if they were doing business via the internet and so serious and responsible, after this I understood and learned many things, I also found other detail; oversaturate me information this took me to digest all the knowledge and take it step by step and main thing do it, and the lesson more interesting that I learned is the following: to have a business on the internet whatever, need to do a blog this serves you to let you know in the middle that you want to run your business, moreover brindas information on the topic, and keep a contact close with your readers through your comments, this is very important because you can hear their points of view and this a guide for knowing that is what can give your visitors are looking for and need, if you decide to spend a couple of hours a day to your blog and you dedicate yourself to promote it through social networks by name you one of the resourcesYou can start with the next step which is to monetize it and recommend your own products, in addition to the affiliate business that currently you’re recommending and Google Adsense, which are ads that you find here right wing of my blog, these ads pay you a Commission for each click you make in your links, I clarify that it is not the best way to generate big profits immediately since this depends of the traffic that you have your blog.Remember that the purpose of creating a blog is to make money through this niche market than because you chose, as you can see there are several ways to make money online, some are very effective indeed, and this is one of them, and in summary: located your niche market begins to create your blog on the topic. .

The Reasons

These reasons can not consider them evil, What is objective, is that the reasons that you encourage to go, will have a strong influence in as alive (a only). For example if you decide to go you simply by having greater freedom in your hours of departure and arrival home or flee from the discipline of tasks domestic, it is likely that you carry a nasty surprise when faced with the reality, since in one way or another you have constraints, either for lack of money, working hours, and all tasks that nobody already done for you and you will have to do. Even if you have valid reasons to get out of House, need more than good intentions, you must learn how to do so, that such if try to live a week as if you were already on your own, how? With your own money buys the food then you cocinaras and eat, do not forget to wash pans and dishes that you occupy, likewise usa clothing yourself follows and planchaste, clean your room, arranges bed, tries to move or transport you by your means, unless you carry or bring, if you have assigned vehicle don’t use you, which It is not yours. Good friends that’s the idea, something I can assure, that at the end of the week in this regime you apreciaras more what your parents do today for you and that you develop your skills. You don’t make the mistake of just thinking about what they no longer have to do and what to leave behind, considers what enfrentaras, failure to do so is as unreasonable as trying to drive a car looking in the rearview mirror, it is obvious that not really what’s ahead. If you want that you do well you focus not only on you go home, it stares into goals that are worth the penalty. courtesy of original author and source of the article.

Social Development

To whom more has been delivered so far is the monarchy Kirchner, 5.1 billion dollars on account of government bonds, to what the Scotts News newspaper quoted scathingly: Argentina is the best democracy that money can buy. The new continental Chavez proposal is the creation of the Bank of the South. As start-up capital for your training, you plan to use the international reserves of Venezuela. Simultaneously the National Bank’s Venezuelan economic and Social Development (Bandes), is expanding to Bolivia, Uruguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti and Nicaragua, providing soft loans. Cobra Nicaraguan farmers only five percent interest, compared with the 35 percent demanded by private banks. If his puppets are known to collapse, and their political and economic interests should falter, the banana Stalin is importing Middle Eastern assassins and financially supporting delinquents, mercenaries, neighborhood, picketers, political, military leaders of low ralea, and whole troops of individuals from dangerous pedigree, with whom is forming cells that obey him directly, and will be used to commit terrorist attacks, murders, robberies and kidnappings, which desestabilizaran any stranger to chavism Government option.

To the step escalating the loquacious demagogue anda, Venezuela will soon be bankrupt. The first to assume the consequences will be Venezuelans, who will raise them their taxes and January 1 will erase him three zeros to the bolivar to disguise its collapse. With its Arab brothers will increase the value of oil. It will require greater participation and control in the companies in which is partner. It nacionalizara what you have at your fingertips, starting with Spanish banks, will continue with the profitable companies, and finally, to consolidate its power over its colonies, it is likely that using military force, as it threatened repeatedly, attempting to defend to the each weaker day Morales, which is his most important acquisition. 2008 is shaping up as a year of dangerous conflicts.