How To Arrange A Room For The Newborn ?

The birth of the baby – the most important and joyous event in your life. Any woman awaiting the birth of the child, wants her baby was healthy, happy and well developed. Birth – a start in life for the little man. and that this start was successful, you need to prepare not only physically and emotionally. Ahead of a special period of one year, when your whole life will be almost completely subordinated to the needs of the baby. Proper organization life will help cope with different problems and difficult situations during this period and spend more time with your baby.

Pre-make a list of things and discuss it with my relatives. Check with friends, having a parent experiences, what are the things you need, and no one can do without. Thus, you can plan a budget and do not hurry to start shopping. Should start with large items such as bed and stroller, which consumed most of the allocated funds. Also mandatory you will need funds for feeding and swimming, first aid kit and clothing for the first three months. When choosing a cot please Note: 1. Crib is made of natural materials (eg, array, or wood veneer). 2.

Check the reliability of all fixtures and fastenings. If you buy a bed with a hand, make sure that the wood without cracking, and ask how and how old cradle was used. 3. Mattress base height adjustable and has 2-3 positions. This will reduce the amplitude of the slope and ease your child care during the first months.