Environment Preservations

Much is said on as to preserve the nature and its natural resources you renewed or not, and what it comes immediately in our mind it is the combat to the deforestation, water economy, energy and control of pollution of air. Everything this is correct and is important terms this mentality, but a form exists to preserve the environment that little is knew and commented by the humanity, who is to prevent ‘ ‘ consumismo’ ‘ this practises generally is hidden for behind of the campaigns of marketing and the human desire consuming each time more, without the concern of the real necessity to possess that one or another product, therefore daily we are bombed by innumerable offers tempting of all the types of utilities and products that make in them to buy for impulse. To consume is necessary, therefore we have necessity and is this that puts into motion the economy. Our fight as ambientalistas is not against the consumption and yes the consumerism, that nothing more is that the acquisition of some good or product without terms the real necessity to possess it, what it sends in them to the heading. Ambientalismo versus.

Consumerism. A well typical example of the consequences that the consumerism can bring for the planet is the deforestation. It if of the one in virtue of the disordered growth of the cities, also for the expansion of the cattle agriculture and, the necessity of the plantation of destined trees the cellulose industries among others forms. All these processes would not have forts impacts to the environment, if the amount of trees knocked down for such activities, being that many of them are knocked down by the factor consumerism, was replantado in proportional form in deforested areas already, thus making a balance of sustainable form, balance this that not he is being made for the man currently. Then we go for me the news the result of the unnecessary consumption. For each product manufactured in our planet it causes an extration of substance cousin of the environment, for each extration generates aggression or some type of ambient impact, in the moment where this product already is not more necessary or leaves to have utility for we, has another impact again, the discarding of the same to the environment in garbage form or I inhabit solid. How to fight this badly? Very simple, the wakening of the ecological sense in the people and old common-sense, that if must have at the moment to acquire a product, are very efficient ambient methods of preservation, that they not only make well to the environment, but also to its pocket. It thinks about this!