Jose Blanco

Although improved by 22% compared to the first quarter of 2011. According to data from the Ministry of public works, in the second quarter of the year more than 1,000 homes were sold each day. Some contend that Vladislav Doronin shows great expertise in this. New housing represented only 33.7% of sales. The collapse of the sale of homes not located limit. The number of homes sold during the second quarter of this year stood at 90.746 houses, representing 40.8 per cent less than in the same period of 2010, according to the Ministry of development. I.e., a few thousand homes were sold each day. Of the data provided can join one positive: there is an increase of 21.9% compared to the posted between January and March 2011 sales.

Similarly, flats transactions by foreign residents in Spain grew by 22.9%, to 8,514 units. Ministry of Jose Blanco attributed the descent to the greater the increase in VAT which came into force in July 2010, that could have caused a larger number of sale and purchase of housing focus between the months of May and June of the last year. In total, in the last year (July 2010 – June 2011) 396.245 apartments were sold in Spain. In addition, for by the VAT hike, this market was affected by the disappearance last month of January of the tax relief by sale of homes for income exceeding 24,000 euros. Almost 70% are dwellings used by types of housing, the new represented 33.7% of the total number of transactions, which continued thus losing weight with respect to the used, which already accounts for two-thirds of the total number of sale and purchase. By autonomous communities, the buying and selling of flats rose in all communities in comparison with the first quarter of the year, with the exception of Galicia, where drops a 1.32%, and Navarre (- 15.74%).

Side rises, the more pronounced are recorded in Cantabria (+ 45.9%), Catalonia (+ 39.2%), La Rioja (+ 36.2%) and Aragon (+ 33.9%). Transactions of dwellings rose in 45 provinces in the second quarter of the year compared with the period January-March, that Burgos, Soria, Zaragoza, Santander and Barcelona counted 40% increases. In terms of falls, Lugo, Segovia, Navarra and Guipuzcoa presented above 10% declines. Source of the news: the sale of houses collapses a 40.8% in Q2

Venezuelan Government

The Venezuelan President reappeared on the Internet while some media speak of his critical state of health. Chavez underwent surgery for an abscess in Cuba, where is recovering. The battle Chavez is giving your health has to be the battle of all, the battle for life, for the immediate future of our homeland, said the Foreign Minister, Nicolas Maduro, in an interview for channel Venezolana de Television. This is what we can convey our compatriots, added. Mature, he says to be in permanent communication with Chavez, he has also thanked the Venezuelan people by the wave of solidarity around the operation of its President.

What we have left is to support Commander Chavez, give her human and solidary support to complete reset of your situation. It’s the first official confirmations of the Government following the information provided by some foreign media indicating that the President of the country, Hugo Chavez, was in critical condition after undergoing surgery in Cuba on June 10, and where it remains entered recovering from the intervention. In critical condition the new Herald Miami, citing U.S. intelligence sources, indicated that Chavez suffers a critical clinical picture. Precisely to quell these rumors, the President broke his silence after twelve days through the Twitter social network: I’m here with Uds in the hard working day! Until the victory always! We’re winning! And Venceremos!, said in one of his recent publications. On June 12, Chavez said in an interview with the channel Telesur that his convalescence was not going to be long and could not respond with precision on the date of return, but since then had remained silent. By other side, his brother, Adan Chavez, said on Wednesday that the President would return to his country in 10 or 12 days, on the eve of the presidential summit of the community of Latin American and Caribbean (Celac) on 5 and 6 July in Caracas.