Singapore Airlines

Hello friends, this is an article that I write for people who attract the world of commercial aviation and the companies that move it. I recently read that they have voted as the 3 favorite airlines for passengers to Singapore Airlines, Brithish Airways and Air France. And for the third consecutive year, the least favorite. Ryanair! That Yes, narrowly favorite that is well that people fly with them, less than a month ago returned to remove 2 million flights free (but free of truth, without fees or anything), to see who competes with that. Most I have read is Singapore Airlines, is the more presitigiosas of the world-wide fleet and routes.

It covers the 5 continents. and it operates the trade route from greater distance that is Singapore Norway, and whose duration is almost 19 hours. It was the first that was in possession of the A380 Airbus, the commercial aircraft in the world, capable of carrying 800 passengers. This aircraft was released to unseat the Boeing 787. As for Ryanair, let alone employing a few tactics somewhat forced to be able to get bids that removed, there is no more to see the documentary thing on Youtube entitled Ryanair caught napping.

No waste the truth make one after another. Another low-cost with best fame is Easyjet. It has excellent coverage throughout Europe. Your website is the most visited at European level and that do not optimize the page for search engines, people are looking for your brand! That’s level. Your provider of hotels is Hotelopia, although most of times that take the duck to water as soon as affiliate with airlines for its diversity of product. A company with which I flew recently and I was surprised in a pleasant way is Finnair. It is the oldest in the world, connecting Europe with Asia from its headquarters in Helsinki. The service is excellent and the A340 aircraft in which I had to fly to the India is very modern. It has a service of onboard entertainment that lets you play video games, watch movies, see the map of areas qu are flying over exceeded my expectations by far! At the national level we have Spanair, Air Europa, Iberia Iberia has its franchise Air Nostrum and its subsidiary low-cost Clickair. The other Spanish lowcost is Vueling, which will also merge with Clickair. Anyway as you will see I’m there give you stick with companies hehe. I hope that you have found this article interesting. Thanks for reading, greetings. Original author and source of the article.