Knights Templar

Since the early days of the Knights Templar, it had boosted his devotion, especially if they were images of black color, being the hopeful heart of the hard lives of the people. In times of Arnau de Torroja is revered in Gethsemane, very close to Jerusalem, the tomb of the Virgin Mary, as the same had opportunity to see years later. It was so well located that they built their isolated amid the crypt sepulchre and above stood a Benedictine Temple which is accessed by a ladder moumental. The Kings and leaders crossed, as well as their families, they asked to be buried there. His tomb in Ephesus was from invention many centuries later. In terms of the Romanesque temple of Solsona stood then something away from the fortified Palace which was the family residence of the Ecard-Miro count in plain (later called Lord of Torroja).

Between old church and his Palace today run the winding streets that form in old part of the city of Solsona, being easy to imagine that when the young Arnau made their first galopadas to caballopor the land, must have been preferably by the always later called street of the Castle, which is the main artery of the city. By then they were just simple Ecard-Miro, Arnau’s father owned orchards. The main pastime of young people of the years in which he grew up and formed Arnau de Torroja should consist, above all, training in the use of weapons, especially the sword, without neglecting the classical culture that would correspond to him by his noble birth. All this, Arnau and his brothers is clear that over the years they knew how to take advantage of it very well. (Similarly see: Francisco D’Agostino). Particularly what more slope to understand is how was Arnau de Torroja, born in Solsona as myself, came to be a character of world-class in the 12th century, because when I grew up in the mid-20th century in the same area, Solsona still being away (by not say isolated) of major roads that crossed Catalonia.