Dominance Influence

The acronym represents the observable styles of personality: Dominance Influence stability Conscience By means of the extensive investigation is shortage that the characteristics can be grouped in four main divisions that they call personality styles. The people of similar styles tend to indicate the common characteristics of behavior to that style. All we shared these styles in diverse degrees of intensity and the adapted profile of a person will vary according to the needs of the roll. How the DiSC is obtained can help you to create more positive a organizational culture and also it helps you to realise an organization of learning (learning organization) of several ways: Reduction facilitates of rotation of personnel by means of improvement of relations interpersonal, factor, as well it knows, that it has a negative effect in the satisfaction in the work Standard and reinforces the use of a shared vocabulary to describe a behavior that is respectful and without prejudice It is key when it is to evaluate diverse workers and to create a mutual respect between people who are different Diminishes the conflict helping to the employees to understand that the people perceive and react to the same situation of different way, following its style of behavior. How it works? first step is a questionnaire that in line fills up the survey one in a period among 10 and 20 minutes. When finalizing, the report, of 4 sections, is available right away. Section 1 is consecrated exclusively to survey and its unique behavioural style with base in its answers in the questionnaire.

First you will see the DiSC Graph that forms the base of its feedback. 1 Stage you will learn on your higher DiSC dimension and your tendencies, needs, your favourite atmosphere and strategies to be more effective. In 2 Stage you will be able to explore your weak index of more conscious Intensity for volverte of your strengths and potential points.