The Godfather Control

Commercial real estate The proposal, from which one can not refuse! – How and what to do to ensure a better buyer for your property, “” I will make him an offer he can not refuse …

“- Don Vito Corleone,” The Godfather. “When you knowingly sell the object (business idea, investment, etc.), least of all think about how and what it will result to the customer, what fraught with consequences of this action for him. This is understandable and natural. And, in general, usually. As usual, for sexually mature males, to be quite aimed at very specific process, being in an intimate and comfortable rooms, close to the attractive and affectionate-minded woman. Sometimes the April Fool’s joke can be a very, very kind of New Year’s “gift”, after nine months.

Willingness to look on sale on the other hand, through the eyes of the consumer, promises – and provides – great advantages for the control of the case. Sober and reasonable control. It is always appropriate, as with women, and real estate (it is also, incidentally, feminine), that would not have to marry not for love, and, in the words of one young woman, “her dad said – on any!” Maybe it will be for you again, so I will quote here the words of a great seller, with which completely agree – “There are a lot of misrepresentation about sales over the fact that it is not prestigious, is necessary for this particular stock character, etc.