OMT Activity

According to OMT (2007), the tourism and the cultural patrimony can and must establish a relation of support and mutual benefits. However, not yet veracity in this mutual relation is observed. In fact, reciprocal interests between the tourist activity and the museums exist, for the conservation and presentation of the cultural and patrimonial quantities, and these two sectors do not act in parallel plans. The tourism in general maximizes the consumption of the material and incorporeal cultural resource in the vision of that it consummates the tourist product, while the museums attempt against for the biggest conservation, preservation of the quantities, limiting the consumption of its cultural goods. Being thus, the museais spaces must look for to adjust themselves in the best possible way to receive its visitors and tourist, attempting against for the prevention of the negative impacts that the tourist activity can cause.

As well as, the tourism can act of efficient form for the attainment of public for the valuation of the patrimony, attainment of resources for investments in museolgicos projects, as well as propitiate activities of conservation and restores of the description-cultural patrimony. 2 TOURISM AND THE MUSEUM OF THE PIAUI? HOUSE OF ODILON NUNES the Museum of the Piau? House of Odilon Nunes, is identified as an important point of culture production, where it has permanent interaction of experiences, a cultural possibility of some readings and discoveries. The Tourism, being a multifaceted activity, appears inside of the intrinsic relation with the museum, as an activity that it searchs to extend the potential of the paper of the museum as tourist, acting as strong ally in the preservation of the historic site and cultural of our city. Inside of this context, the turismlogos must be intent for the strong existing relation enter the activity of tourism and the Museum of the Piau? House of Odilon Nunes.

Foundation Institute

Another city that prioritized the counting of the population of street for better agreement and formularization of proposals to these citizens was to the city of So Paulo. Through the Foundation Institute of Pesquisas Econmicas (FIPE) it carried through two Censuses on street population. The first census carried through in the year of 2000 allowed through the counting and evaluation to identify 8,088 inhabitants of street in the city. A little the half of these inhabitants had been more than found in the streets and the remain in shelters. As the census carried through in the year of 2003 indicated that 10,399 a thousand people existed in So Paulo liveing in the streets, and of this time the process presented given inverted, with about six (59.49%) living ones of street located in shelters and 4,213 (40.51%) remaining ones in the streets. Maciel discloses a concern with the growth of the population contingent of street, and strengthens the urgency in the attendance of these citizens unprovided for the social minimums victims of the indifference and the social exclusion. According to author, the term social exclusion even so is used in the most diverse studies and in different countries, she has its meaning closely on to the degree of development of the economy and the adopted social politics in each one of them.

In such a way, the concept of social exclusion extremely is diversified and heterogeneous. Available in had access in 23/ago/2008. The third Census carried through in 2006 showed the existence of more than 12,000 men in situation of street, being 7,000 (57%) sleeping in shelters and 5,000 (43%) in the streets. Ahead of the data it was evidenced that the third carried through census enters according to in a period of three years, the demand of inhabitants of street of the city of So Paulo grew 13,4%. 1,3 – the space mobility of the life in the streets.