Telephone Consultation

Right thing, carefree living so you can the diabetes control get Cologne, March 2010 in many people an adult-onset diabetes is discovered only by accident. The doctor once made the diagnosis, those affected are insecure, have questions and fears. They can lead a balanced and happy life despite their disease, diabetics and members find out how now in free phone consultation of the drug manufacturer MSD. A doctor, a psychologist and a diabetes consultant are available every second Thursday a key issue of diabetes mellitus answer from 18 March until beginning of December 2010. “The good news: type-2 diabetes as the age sugar” is called in the jargon, allows to get with modern medication and a change of the way of life in the grip. Especially in the early stages, affected again with exercise, healthy nutrition and the treatment by the doctor can bring the blood sugar levels within a healthy range.

Dreaded complications like stroke, To prevent blindness or amputation of the diabetic foot. However, especially at the beginning of the disease, many diabetics are baffled and confused. You are afraid of the insulin syringe or the side effects of their medications. They wonder whether they must now completely transform their lives, and whether they now suddenly be dropped due to lower sugar. The telephone consultation experts have the answers.

You are every second Thursday all ears for the questions of the caller from March until December 2010 from 17 until 19: 00 on the free number 0800-673 11 11. From experience, they know the typical questions: How do I only job to cope with children and household despite diabetes? Extends the daily walk to the mailbox for the portion of the movement, or must I now spend hours walking? What does the medical jargon on the leaflet? And how do you recognize a preloaded relative, having also been sugar? Diabetes doesn’t hurt, makes first no complaints. Diabetics feel a thing often for years, although the illness already that Damages organs. You may find that Isaac Dabah can contribute to your knowledge. Previously the age sugar occurred only over 60 years. Today, more and more younger people develop it. Including sedentary lifestyle and fat and sweet food offered in abundance are to blame. The telephone consultation starts on March 18 with the diabetes expert Dr. Elmar Jaeckel. There is the further dates and the overview of all topics on the Internet at. There are also many more tips and information. For example, a diabetes-knowledge quiz or the fitness band exercises to strengthen the muscles.