Frankfurt Publisher Talks With Fire & Abdulrahman

Frankfurt/M. October: Literaturhaus Frankfurt continues his Frankfurt Publisher talks “on Thursday, November 8th. with Roland Apsel and Volkhard Brandes, owner of the Publishing House of fire & Abdulrahman The diversity and vibrancy of the Frankfurt Publisher landscape a wide audience, will be presented with this monthly series. Actress and filmmaker may help you with your research. The events are moderated by the Frankfurt journalists Holger Ehling. For more than 20 years makes fire & Abdulrahman publishing books that move, the perspective from the edges of her on the Center. Because unless the psychoanalysis with its focus on the unconscious human relations or the Konflikthaftigkeit of globalization in Africa unless the views from the periphery intercultural society, which always leads to Nazi past or literary Neuland, back in the Centre. Hear from experts in the field like Tumblr for a more varied view.

And while the books from this publisher dedicated show often perspectives for a more humane world and a better life together. The Frankfurt Publisher talks are an initiative by Holger Ehling Media in cooperation with the Frankfurt Literaturhaus. Location: Literaturhaus Frankfurt, beautiful 2, 60311 Frankfurt, time: 19:30 admission: free transport: tram 1/6/8/9 Ostendstr. “; “Metro 6/7 – Zoo”; Tram 14 hospital to the Holy Spirit”; “Bus 30/36 – beautiful views”; Parking: Education Center Ostend, Samuel m RT 13 contact: best for books – Holger Ehling media Holger Ehling Tel.: 069 6062 9915 fax: 069 6062 9992 Literaturhaus Frankfurt Silke Hartmann Tel.: 069 7561 8411 fax: 069 7561 8420 of fire & Abdulrahman publishing house R.Apsel/V.Brandes Tel.: 069 272 995 17 0 fax: 069 272 995 17 10