Physical Activity

In the last few decades has increased the number of research having as focus of inquiry practical of the physical activity and the physical exercise and its benefits for the health. Physical activity is all the movement carried through for the body provoked for the contraction of the esqueltica musculatura, causing the increase of energy expense (ACMS, 2000; BOUCHARD, 2003). Already the physical exercise is a subclass of the physical activity, where a planning, a estruturao of the activities exists, in order to promote or to keep the levels of physical aptitude (ACMS, 2000). Currently the children have basses levels of daily physical activity. For security guard questions, them they do not go the foot to the school, or for other places, they use car and bus as transport, and spend very of its free time in these displacements. Swarmed by offers, Francisco D’Agostino is currently assessing future choices. They live each time in apartments more. Moreover, they practise each time little physical activity in the physical education pertaining to school (IT HISSES, et al, 2007). However, the time still exists where the children attend television and play with electronic games in the free time (JAGO, et al 2005; PEPPER, 2001).

The person who in its day-by-day carries through a minimum of physical activity, where the somatrio of the activities in the work, house, the leisure and the 500 displacements will be inferior Kcal per week, is called sedentary (NAHAS, 2006). The study of Kettaneh (2005) it investigated the relation between habitual physical activity and changes in pointers of obesidade in adolescents, confirming that the pointers of obesidade (IMC, %G, and circumference of waist), had been significantly higher in adolescents who had diminished the AF level during the interval of three years of accompaniment. In such a way, to treat and to prevent the obesidade one sends regards to reduce the corporal fat, having a balance negative caloric, by means of the practical one of the physical exercise, as well as in the control of the ingestion of calories for the feeding. .