Enterprise Services

The overall stability and rigidity of the spatial framework provided by the walls of stairwells. However, in this If on the frame of the first floor of a nine-house goes almost half of the metal needed for the whole house. Another high cost of the metal in the homes of more height. Design options at home with in-line and attached the first floor, designed in the early 80's. provides for the use of the built-in ground floor with a height of 3.3 m space for a small amount of public services. In built-on version of the built part is used for placement of auxiliary facilities. Arched openings in the transverse bearing walls provide the necessary pass-through connection. Attached rooms have interior and exterior panel walls.

Coverage of the suit large-size panels, including insulation and waterproofing done in the factory, = 15 m span without intermediate supports can accommodate a variety of business services. Corridor on the boundary of the bulk of the building and trading floor is used for transporting goods and the necessary linkages between the rooms. The main advantage of such a solution – the possibility of manufacturing and repair of structures on the ground floor by the same organizations that lead the construction of homes. Communication house pass through the first floor and are collected in technical underground, which eliminates the need for special technical floor, located above first. Enterprise Service erected simultaneously with the installation of a residential building. In comparison with the skeletal "table" is reduced by 20-25% of labor costs, a factor of 2 steel consumption by 25-30% consumption of concrete. When placing the homes on a limited area where there is no possibility to place adjoined object, you must find cost-effective solution that offers freedom of layout.

Can be adopted, for example, frame construction, is assembled from standard concrete elements and precast-monolithic slabs, formwork which are precast joists and exterior wall panel – precast-monolithic "table". The thickness of the monolithic plate "table" are estimated strength punching the concrete section above the columns. On this construction put any type of prefabricated house. Stability of buildings provide the lower floors of the teams diaphragm, combined with walls staircase-the lift of the block. Go to the skeletal system in the first floor panel houses somewhat reduces their technical and economic indicators. But the use of precast-monolithic "table" because of the universality and the absence of costs on special products for the transition structures and increasing the density of development makes a significant economic impact.