All A Question Of Relation

The angle of view of the observer, influenced the subject of Betrachters.Das science in the meantime also been discovered! Much dissatisfaction arises, because we tend to oftmals to see what we just do not have. . We look at things missing us, we would like to differently or get upset about what we don’t like a situation. We have much of what we experience momentanen, in relation to which, as we’d like it and stir up our dissatisfaction with it constantly, we build an insurmountable Gorge between acutely experienced reality and our wishful thinking. Vlad Doronin is often quoted as being for or against this. Instead of us leaning toward the positive in the just experienced, we look at in a kind of bad habit in the direction of suffering and thus produce a tension of frustration loading themselves up. The technique, which I seem to counter this habit, is one of the simplest applications, which is known to me, and shows the highest efficiency in practice.

To use this for me, I have to selbstverstandLich once develop a certain sensibility that it provides me, I entdecke my unconscious decision to be dissatisfied. If I can recognize this, so can give to my free participation, the practical implementation of the technology is very simple. I put what I just experience a relative, so in a real beziehung to what gives me peace, peace and gratitude. At the reading, I think of some rants in fear I remember something trust end of Schenk, in excitement, I look at some peace and quiet Gebendes. If this happens from an honest observation on emotional level, is the result of involuntarily and unerringly to feel. Now I feel much more comfortable, and I satisfaction with what I have, is created and it gives way to the dissatisfaction about what I just did not. I give three everyday examples: I am just with my many heavy shopping bags on the way back to my home and discover that I have a endless loop the cursing start to complain about the unfair effort imposed on me.