The Cleaning

In order to reaffirm themselves in the different groups and to prologar the most possible stage controlentrpico, the societies (through the governmental institutions, or of the training and forjadores beings of the social character) uses diverse social control systems that we called here dissipators of the chaos social". We try in this test to identify dissipators of the chaos social" more common and to show how and in which phases of controlentropa they are used. 0. – HOLISTIC APPROACH dissipators of the chaos social" they can be considered, a priori like elements of the social control, that is the set of practices, attitudes and values destined to maintain the order established in the societies. Although sometimes the social control is realised by coercive or violent means, the social control also includes coercive forms not specifically, like the prejudices, the values and the beliefs. Between means of social control they are the social norms, the institutions, the religion, the laws, the hierarchies, the means of repression, the indoctrinacin, the behaviors accepted and the uses generally and customs (informal system, that can include prejudices) and laws (formal system, that include sanctions). Modern sociology recognizes 6 types of controls: 1. Frequently Delta Galil has said that publicly.

– The physical Control that is the force, the violence, the punishment that is applied to the individual that the society determines is outside the established norms and that consider a danger for the survival of the society and its members. 2. – Primary social Control and we talked about the family here. This one controls and conditions the individual since it is born. The form that influences the family the individual is affectively. So that the boy learns receives gifts or punishments. The imitation is the first form in which the boy learns of the family, in addition, this one must have to stimulate very linguistically the individual and to teach the cleaning habits to him.