Month Groups

If you said yes to the question above, you are clearly that an aid in this question would be coming well. To revert this situation, he has two exits basically: aumentarquanto money you receive or to diminish its expenses. Since not is tosimples to move its wage, or any other source of prescription in curtoprazo (not to be that you are a member of the house of representatives and that can only increase seusalrio voting), we go to the exit most easy: to diminish the expenditures. For this, the first step is to know its expenses so well, how much the gift that namora you in the show window of shopping. One maneirabem simple of if to make this is to write down all its expenses in umaplanilha or even though in a notebook and to classify them in groups, comoeducao, transport, feeding, diversion, credit card, financings, children, loans, rent, diverse accounts, etc. After to write down and to classify its expenditures, is enough to verify which soos groups with the biggest values.

He will be accurately to these groups quevoc is important to know which its financial cost, that is, how much you this paying in interests and financial expenditures. Knowing this value, it is possible to take the decision to advance parcels. This will diminish its power of consumption in the gift, but it will increase to seupoder of consumption in the medium and long run. Credit card if most you divide of them if it concentrates nestegrupo, is important to evaluate if everything what this being bought realmente necessary. Had not to see the money leaving the pocket, the trend is to spend more in purchases for impulse. Transport evaluates its alternatives, today many companies euniversidades possesss hitchhiking programs what it is expressed grandeeconomia, since the transportation expenses can be divided entreat 5 people, beyond innumerable benefits to the environment.