Profitable Franchises

Today refers to the importance of starting with profitable franchises compared to the need to start a business on their own account and under the risks that this entails. This trend is increasing in the last time especially in Latin American countries looking to expand on the Mainland. Most of the companies are using the franchising model a means of being able to settle in developed countries like United States for legal stay, as well as a form of participation in a sector that provides more than 2 billion dollars to the economy.Only in the United States we find more than nine hundred thousand shops of franchises that provide about 21 million jobs, figures from the International Association of franchises. On the other hand, in Mexico 9 of every 10 franchises they obtained good results in comparison with the traditional companies that have an average of 70% of closures before you get to the second year of life. Markets in Argentina and Brazil are also still very interesting by the growth of the supply and demand and lower legal barriers compared with the countries of the North, stands clothes and sector industry increasing meals in general. It should be noted that United States has the largest number of companies under the franchise of the world model and affects all countries, especially in Mexico and Brazil noted an increase of 12 per cent sustained for the past 2 years according to experts in the field. When investing your money it is important to analyse these new ways of doing business that are gaining broad ground in the market and can be a unique opportunity to obtain yields. Also if you already own an independent brand should know that it has the possibility of expanding through profitable franchises to gain position in the franchising market their businesses and share your model with future investors interested..

BitDefender Of Antivirus 2010 Receives

Network administrators draw virus protection solution from Holzwickede, 1st July 2010 the BitDefender security software of antivirus 2010 ( solutions) is as the winner of the reader by the users of the Web portal’s choice award in the category of anti virus has been elected. The site is one of the most important information platforms for network administrators. conducts monthly online surveys to find out which products are preferred by network administrators in certain categories. The surveys encounter in a constantly large response, underscoring the high number of votes. Choice award users can of our site obtained by our readers the chance to vote in various categories for their favorite products”, said Sean Buttigieg users are specialists in their field because they come at their place of work with various network security solutions in contact. The award is for “BitDefender an appreciative character by independent industry experts.” BitDefender of antivirus 2010 provides a proactive and continuous protection against viruses, spyware, phishing attacks and identity theft, without slowing down the PC.

The virus scanner checks the Internet traffic, emails, or instant messaging chats in real time. On the basis of the two technologies, complementary B-have and active virus control away antivirus from BitDefender a detection rate of up to 99.9 percent. More information under solutions/antivirus.html. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its Security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network.

More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail:

Qualified Professionals

Tecnocemento, the company of microcemento, counts with qualified professionals in the Islands Balearic Tecnocemento congratulates applicators who successfully passed the qualification tests for the installation, implementation and distribution of their coatings of microcemento in Palma de Mallorca. The Balearic capital joins Ibiza as places where our professionals are licensed in the coating of microcemento application. Thus, our company is already able to supply and distribute to all the Balearic Islands. Tecnocemento instructs future professionals with their training plan, offering a full service that is supported by their seals of service and commitment, technical quality, guarantee and commitment in solidarity as well a loose experience in the sector. Thanks to our training plan, students acquire basic knowledge about mixtures of components, handling, drying times, modes of sanitation of the surface, among many others. Now, the inhabitants of the Balearic territory will enjoy the advantages of the microcemento, counting with different architectural proposal, where design and quality are the hallmarks of the brand. The material is capable of adapting to any surface and brings together a wide range colors, giving the option to customize the spaces or environments for each user. All of this subject by a group of qualified professionals, recognized by an official qualification endorsed.

Foundation Institute

Another city that prioritized the counting of the population of street for better agreement and formularization of proposals to these citizens was to the city of So Paulo. Through the Foundation Institute of Pesquisas Econmicas (FIPE) it carried through two Censuses on street population. The first census carried through in the year of 2000 allowed through the counting and evaluation to identify 8,088 inhabitants of street in the city. A little the half of these inhabitants had been more than found in the streets and the remain in shelters. As the census carried through in the year of 2003 indicated that 10,399 a thousand people existed in So Paulo liveing in the streets, and of this time the process presented given inverted, with about six (59.49%) living ones of street located in shelters and 4,213 (40.51%) remaining ones in the streets. Maciel discloses a concern with the growth of the population contingent of street, and strengthens the urgency in the attendance of these citizens unprovided for the social minimums victims of the indifference and the social exclusion. According to author, the term social exclusion even so is used in the most diverse studies and in different countries, she has its meaning closely on to the degree of development of the economy and the adopted social politics in each one of them.

In such a way, the concept of social exclusion extremely is diversified and heterogeneous. Available in had access in 23/ago/2008. The third Census carried through in 2006 showed the existence of more than 12,000 men in situation of street, being 7,000 (57%) sleeping in shelters and 5,000 (43%) in the streets. Ahead of the data it was evidenced that the third carried through census enters according to in a period of three years, the demand of inhabitants of street of the city of So Paulo grew 13,4%. 1,3 – the space mobility of the life in the streets.