Evaluation Purposes

Plot includes all the improvements that allow it to use effectively. Improvements – changes that undeveloped land, are the result of his activities for the subsequent transformation use. Improvements can be divided into external and internal. The external improvements to the towns include: device streets, sidewalks, drainage and utilities. Internal improvements – a building, structure, internal landscape, water, sewerage, roads, etc. In modern Russian conditions the land is one of the most difficult objects for real estate appraisal, for the following reasons: 1) the specificity of the object; 2) underdevelopment of regulatory frameworks, 3) undeveloped land market in the country. The specificity of the earth as an object of evaluation, it differs from other types of properties are characterized by: a) the land is a natural resource that can not be easily replicated in contrast to other real estate, and b) the assessment should always consider the possibility of multiple-use land:-as a basic means of production.

Agricultural and forest lands are the means of production of raw materials required for virtually all industries, as well as food, as the space-socio-economic development. The Earth is a spatial basis for the distribution of various properties, c) the land fund is the basis of formation of the living environment of the country and provides ecological safety, particularly land forest and water reserves. Therefore, in all countries, the state regulates the use of land as both natural and economic objects, and d) in contrast to other real estate to the value of land do not apply the concept of physical and functional deterioration, and depreciation, since the term of use of land is not restricted. Therefore, the cost of land, as opposed to cost buildings, structures and other improvements, over time, tends to increase, and e) the use and protection of land in the Russian Federation as the basis of life and activity of the people living in the territories. So way, economically sound valuation of the land is a complicated procedure, so as to take into account the possibility of their simultaneous use as a natural resource, basic habitat and population property. It is necessary to emphasize the role of the state land policy which should be aimed at the rational use and conservation, reproduction and improvement of soil fertility, preservation and improvement conducive to human life and health of the environment, thus contributing to the adoption of evidence-based decisions on land use and urban development.

Sony Ericsson

The covers for mobile phones are made mainly for the protection of your phone from bumps and scratches, but the aesthetic touch is sometimes more important than its main function. There are covers for mobile phones free of all kinds, quality, material, and size. From the typical black, until the wool in colors and an infinity of models more plastic and leather. Protects your mobile phone and gives a personal touch through the covers for mobile. There are transparent plastic covers, bags of leather, rigid duvets, pillowcases sock of tissue, of fantasy, of all sizes and for all tastes. You will find a wide range of covers for your Nokia mobile phone. Dressed in a hard cover to your Motorola or take a hard case for your Samsung. If you do not have a case for your Sony Ericsson mobile phone or are looking for a cover for your mobile phone Motorola, Siemens or Sharp visit any store on-line for mobile covers.

The Funbags are duvets Universal compatible with various mobile devices such as cell phones, iPhones, Blackberry and other smartphones, iPods and MP3 players, camaritas digital and more. Protect and complement the daily mobility of these appliances, and its design allows for greater comfort in the use of the same. Another option is to protect your mobile phone with a custom cover, these things usually us laziness, you choose the fabric and design that you like and create it yourself. In certain stores on-line for pillowcases offer the option to customize your jacket with a photo. Choose the cover that you like and plasma photo or image that you’ve sent to them previously. With the wide range of telephones grows the need to purchase a cover for your phone model, therefore there are lots of stores online-dedicated to the sale of mobile sleeves and tablets. Now that the summer and walk closer to the water than the rest of the year, we have to be careful with our mobile if we don’t want to see how wet and they end up in the trash. Although there are currently covers against the splashing water and falls within this from different manufacturers, shapes and materials, in general are all very rough, ugly and even useless.

Eagleton Place

… The memory hangs in places, as history in events. … the memory place is a double place: a place of excess, closed on itself, exactly closed on its identity, and collected on its name, but constantly opened on the extension of its significaes. We understand, in such a way, that the literary composition in analysis is a place of memory in the three felt of the word: material, symbolic functionary and.

Material for registering the demography of a place, functionary for if dealing with a hypothesis that sends in them to the transmission of the crystallization of the souvenir, and symbolic for being related to a lived experience, to the event. The Salesman of Pasts is a place hybrid, of representation of the time and space, of the construction and desconstruo of the memory, breaching with old identities and reincorporando to the old new identities, desconstruindo the dominant and hegemonic speech that privileged an only identity and discarded excessively. 3 MEMORY AND ESQUECIMENTO after-modernity suggest that the language where any form of representation operates cannot escape the ideological contamination. As Hutcheon (1991, P. 227-228), cited for Eagleton ' ' all practical the social ones exist in the ideology and by means of the ideology and, as such, the ideology starts to mean? the forms in which what we say and where we believe if it binds to the structure of being able of the society where we live? ' '. We are involved of representation. We are the all moment representing, descentrando the position of individuals for the position of citizens that enter in representacional scene. That is what it succeeds in the life of the personages of the romance of Jose Eduardo Agualusa. In data moment of history the Minister looks for Flix Happiness, therefore it needed to write a daily one, and the salesman of pasts gave magnificent, consistent histories to it with the reality of the ruling class of that time.