Italian Peninsula

The real war of Troy from Schliemman, it is possible to glimpse the true story of the war. As the archaeologist believed him, sung by Homer facts are real, yes there was a city called Troy, and also a Mycenaean Greek culture. The difference is in the epic form (very common in the villages of antiquity) narrate the facts. If we strictly understanding the causes of the war between Greeks and Trojans, then it is perfectly logical to assert that this was a conflict economic motivations. Let’s see. Discoveries and conclusions of Schliemman on Mycenae left clear that the Mycenaean culture had a business very large and apparently, in continuous expansion. Since their civilization and other Greek peoples continually sailing in the Aegean Sea, marine habitat, with safety due reach a moment where he would like to expand. Many of those people expanded westward, where began the colonization of the peoples of the Italian Peninsula and its islands; others, migrated southwards and conquered the island of Cyprus; others, they went to the East and landed in Asia minor and on the islands of Rhodes and Crete (cradle of the famous Minotaur); and the last, their goals set in the North.

This should also be the case of the Mycenaean, who wanted to sail and market with hundreds of villages on the shores of the Black Sea, rich and very important commercial enclave in their longing for exploration. But the supremacy of Troy, the Straits of the Dardanelles (single ciudad-peaje access to the aforementioned sea and also unique channel of communication with the Mediterranean) was weary them and therefore they decided to solve the problem with the weight of their weapons. Troy, which was considered eligible in the Dardanelles, must have been in turn, fatigued threatening progress of the Greeks who practically, traded with the civilized Europe.